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The Innovation Summit is an annual event that brings together state and industry leaders, top-ranking executives, and other key contributors who are leading the charge toward digital transformation in the country and beyond. This year, the summit aims to showcase Davao City as a prime bastion for ICT and technopreneurship under the theme, “Smart Sourcing in the Global Marketplace.”

Mr. Naranjo delivered his speech in front of some 400 delegates, inspiring the audience to take on the challenge of being a digital leader in their respective fields.

“The pandemic gave small companies like us many challenges but it also gave us many opportunities. We learned so many lessons, transforming us into a better company,” he said.

He also emphasized that leaders must be able to spot trends and opportunities, as well as take advantage of them. His company, Ingenuity, and the story of how it stood resilient and thrived even better amidst the pandemic is a testament to what leadership can do — turn challenges into opportunities.

He outlined some of the many successful projects Ingenuity has worked on in recent years, spanning industries such as healthcare, e-commerce, financial technology, education, and logistics and operations. Two of the most impactful initiatives include SafeDavaoQR, Davao City’s official COVID-19 management platform, and Hackademy, a free training program for passionate and aspiring IT professionals.

Ingenuity Founder John Naranjo shares his insights on Outsourcing innovation at the Innovation Summit 2022

Ingenuity has been recognized for various accolades at the first-ever IT-BPM Awards Night in this year’s Innovation Summit.

In line with the theme, “Smart Sourcing in the Global Marketplace,” Mr. Naranjo fostered a collective goal to make Davao City a top destination for digital innovation. He motivated the audience with his message of the importance of embracing new technologies to achieve global competitiveness.

Finally, he raised the need for more collaboration between the government and private sectors to promote ICT-related entrepreneurship.

Author Ingenuity Software

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